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So, What Do Consultants Actually Do Anyway?

This question comes up all the time. All. The. Time. Business consultants, sometimes called “management consultants,” are used to explaining what it means to be a consultant. For some reason the word “consultant” elicits a response in people that ranges from “that’s...

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Sweat the Small Stuff In Order to Keep Your Customers

You know that phrase “don’t sweat the small stuff ?”  When it comes to your business, forget you ever heard it.  You almost always have to sweat the small stuff to get a great outcome, and  even mediocre outcomes, and this is especially true where people that you...

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Business Buyers Are People Too

When is a person not a person? When they become a business customer. Or so you would think if you listened to a lot of researchers and product teams at business to business (B2B) companies. In the consumer world the entire person is considered in product development,...

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Let’s Talk About the Last Time You Took a Bath . . .

"The last time I took a bath? Like in a tub?" If you are like most people we know you don’t do it very often. And this makes it the perfect thing to talk about to explain the difference between a NEED and a WANT when it comes to innovation and early stage product...

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Unintended Outcomes: Getting Organizations Unstuck

Just like people, organizations get stuck. It usually happens around a topic or an initiative or a product or processes. A collection of employees work on something tirelessly as if they are making forward motion but nothing seems to be going right. Everyone is well...

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The 30 Day Blog Challenge For . . . Us

Ceatro is taking up a challenge: write a blog post everyday for 30 days. And today is the first day. When companies launch challenges it usually to get other people involved but this one if just for us.  Let’s admit it  - we are bad at blogging. When it comes to...

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On Our Third Anniversary: What’s In a Name?

In honor of Ceatro’s 3rd anniversary today, and in addition to offering a BIG “thank you!” to all our friends and clients, we thought it was a good time to reveal all we know about the word “Ceatro.” As many know, the name of our company came out of both creativity...

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Infographic: Customer Experience Disconnect

Infographic: The disconnect between the experience customers expect from a company, the experience a company thinks it is delivering, and the experience the customer actually has is best explained graphically. Organizations that make all of these depictions look...

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