People are fascinating, interesting, and, unfortunately, complex. Ceatro Group works at the intersection of humans and business.
We are a consulting and research firm that help organizations identify the people that matter, understand them more deeply, design better experiences and products, operationalize services, and ultimately get better results – for everyone.

Ceatro Group was created in 2010 by Cynthia White. After years of practicing with fantastic brands, Cynthia saw a need and opportunity in the market to deliver her speciality – the combination of management consulting and anthropolgy – directly to clients and, through partnerships, to more than one consulting or design firm.
Our Approach
For past decade, Ceatro Group has delivered custom consulting and research projects to clients globally using a more flexible and accessible model. We partner with clients, or other firms, to deliver the right size and type of project, with the right resources, at the right level of investment. We design and staff the project with the right type specialist (from inside or outside Ceatro Group) and develop a staffing model that balances the client’s team and expertise and budget. From one Ceatro resource coaching an internal team to 3 half time resources for 3 months to 10 experts on a 6 month fixed fee project – our model let’s us do the right thing with our clients every time.